Operations and Technology
A lot happens behind the scenes to keep our schools running smoothly. We rely on our operations, maintenance, and technology staff to make our schools a place where our students and their families feel safe, welcome, and connected.
Technology and Maintenance Work Orders
Employees and staff members of APS may contact their building principal to get a work order submitted.
Broadband Booster Program
The Broadband Booster Pilot Project is a plan to provide broadband services in the homes of students who cannot otherwise afford the service. Broadband services are an important tool for students in their efforts to pursue a quality education. Please read the Broadband Booster Pilot Project flyers for more information.
Contact Info
Clint Taylor
Assistant Superintendent of Finance/Operations
(575) 746-3585
Scott Simer
Maintenance Director
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Josh Heidenreich
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Matt Conn
Director of Technology
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Ramia Smith
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Teresa Cartwright
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Greg Brown
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Juan Marcos Muniz
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