Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions we frequently receive here at Roselawn Elementary. If we haven’t answered your questions here, go ahead and contact us. We’ll be happy to help in any way possible.

What time does school begin and end?

School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Students are dismissed at 3:20 p.m.

What is the protocol if my child is going to miss a day of school?

At Roselawn, we believe attendance is key to a student’s academic success. However, in the event that your child needs to miss a day, we require that parents call the office or send a written note when the student returns stating the reason for the absence. You have 24 hours to report an absence.

What is the difference between an "unexcused" or "excused" absence? An excused absence means that the parent has supplied the school office with a doctor's note, personal phone call in, or parent note from home. An unexcused absence means that "no contact" has been made with the school office. Please note that an absence is an absence whether excused or not. Unexcused absences may prompt a home visit or investigation on the whereabouts of the child.

Is there a meal program?

There is! We offer breakfast and lunch to students at no charge this year.

How often are report cards sent home?

We will send report cards home with your child at the end of each quarter (every 9 weeks). In addition, progress reports will be sent home midway through of the 9 week period.

My child needs to take medication during the day. How can I arrange for that?

Students may not carry medication of any kind on their person nor keep it in the classroom. A doctor’s form (available in our office) must accompany medicine sent to school. We keep all medications in the nurse’s office to be administered by the principal or the nurse. If youn have questions, contact the nurse's office.

How can I find out what supplies my child needs?

A list of supplies requested by your child’s teacher is available from the secretary. Please check with your child and his/her teacher from time to time to see if supplies needs to be replenished. A school supply list may also be obtained by visiting our district news page. The list is found under the Documents section of this wepage.

Clipart with several hands raising, and one holding an apple