Career / Tech Education (CTE)


We understand not all students choose the same path after high school graduation, so for those of our students choosing to enter the work force, we want them to be prepared.

Career Technical Education (CTE) is helping our nation meet the very real and immediate challenges of economic development, student achievement, and global competitiveness. We are excited to offer these programs for our students. According to, “The average high school graduation rate for students concentrating in CTE programs is 90.18 percent compared to an average national freshman graduation rate of 74.9 percent.”

We offer a variety of classes under our CTE program, including:

  • Auto Mechanics

  • FFA

  • Welding

  • Woodworking - Coming Soon: Construction Trades

  • Allied Health

  • Media Arts

  • Computer Aided Drafting

  • Culinary Arts

  • Accounting

  • Drama

  • Technical Theatre

  • Business

  • Child Development

To learn more about these programs, please read our curriculum guide listed under Links & Forms.

Links & Forms

For course descriptions and more information, please visit the link below:

Grading System

90-100 A - Superior
80-89 B - Above Average
70-79 C - Average
60-69 D - Below Average
0-59 F - Failing

*“I” Indicates that the student has not completed all required work. We will allow a reasonable length of time for the completion of the work. If the student does not complete the work in the time allotted, we will average the final grade with a zero(s) for the missing work.